Testimonies - experiencing God's supernatural touch

Life changed through an Encounter with the presence of God
Derek was saved and received Jesus as his Lord and savior during our Revival & Healing Service in Krakow, Poland. In the presence of the God he was weeping like a baby. His story is fascinating and clearly shows us the love and power of God. Derek had made several murder attempts. Just 2 days prior to our Service he wanted to kill his own father, who is an alcoholic and drugs addict. Supernaturally the Lord brought him to Church Service on 31st October 2021 and God moved in his Life, giving him the love he never felt. He received Jesus as his lord and savior and he is a changed man. About 3 months later Pastor Khalid Shaheen met Derek and was amazed of the power of God. This man is a changed and new human being. – Derek, we are so proud of you and look forward to seeing God’s plan for your life unfold.

Life threatening sickness healed
Martin has a very unique and encouraging testimony. Some years back He was diagnosed with a life threatening and life changing sickness. Shocked, he approached Pastor Khalid Shaheen after the service and told him about his situation. Pastor Khalid Shaheen replied without hesitation by saying, let’s pray, we have miracle working God. During the the prayer Martin had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit. His body suddenly heated up like never before, as is he is on fire and he started shacking and feel something inside of him take place. After the prayer, he went to his doctor for check up. When the doctor was checking and doing the tests he was shocked of what he was witnessing. In full of unbelief he starting saying that there is a problem with the machine, because your sickness is not visible. Martin immediately knew that healing took place in his body, when he prayed with Pastor Khalid Shaheen and the presence of God was so strong in that place. Looking back Martin doesn’t just remember he was healed, but the experience he had with the Holy Spirit during the time of prayer is an unforgettable, life changing and life impacting moment for him. Friends, Martin is a very loyal servant of God, he blesses our ministry with his great gift of playing the Bass Guitar and the drums. Martin we appreciate your support in expanding the Kingdom of God. RTU-Mission appreciates you and loves you.

Write us your testimony
your story can impact the life of somebody else
In one of our services you experienced God like never before, you were delivered, healed, transformed through the love of God? – let us know what the Lord has done in your life. We want celebrate with you and also keep you in our prayers.
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With your prayer and financial partnership, peoples lives are transformed and changed forever through the unending love of God. Help us financially to reach many more with life changing Gospel of Jesus, so that even more people can share their testimony – everybody has a story that impacts somebody else