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It's not about how many souls are saved - but that souls are saved

In Mark 16: 15 Jesus says, we should  “go into the all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” – we all have the calling to preach the gospel to the lost. RTU-Mission is on a mission to reach the unreached in some of the most remote and dangerous countries of the world. Our goal is not to always reach people in mass gospel campaigns, but to even just reach one soul on the streets and wherever we are. Heaven doesn’t rejoice when you reach or 100.000 souls. It already rejoices for the 1 soul that is saved and repents from its evil ways and finds Jesus as their lord and savior. Seeing Jesus move with signs and wonders. Healing, transforming, delivering  and setting free and do so much more is the greatest sight man will ever see. We truly serve a miracle working God. 

Sadly traveling across the world to reach some of the most remote and dangerous locations is expensive. We have to pay salaries of our workers, we help churches, we plant churches, have mass gospel campaigns and many smaller seized services, teachings and so much more. 

Without your financial support the ministry wouldn't be possible

Your 25 Euro or Dollar monthly support helps us a lot – join us on our mission to reach the unreached

Together we are plundering hell and expanding the kingdom of God

We invite you to partner with us with prayer and with your financial support – Thank you so much!

Donations - Funds - Accountdetails

RTU-Mission Sparkasse Leer/Wittmund

IBAN:  DE33 2855 0000 0118 0004 62


Donation via Creditcard is also available!


Address in USA:

Please make your check payable to 

RTU – Reach the Unreached Missions Inc.

203 Coleus Drive 

Orlando, Florida 32807


RTU - Reach the Unreached Missions Inc.

Derek - This is my story

Derek was saved and received Jesus as his lord and savior during our Revival & Healing Service in Krakow, Poland.  In the presence of the God he was weeping like a baby. His story is fascinating and clearly shows us the love and power of God. Derek had made several murder attempts. Just 2 days prior to our Service he wanted to kill his own father, who is an alcoholic and drugs addict. Supernaturally the Lord brought him to Church Service on 31st October 2021 and God moved in his Life, giving him the love he never felt. He received Jesus as his lord and savior and he is a changed man. About 3 months later Pastor Khalid Shaheen met Derek and was amazed of the power of God. This man is a changed and new human being. – Derek, we are so proud of you and look forward to seeing God’s plan for your life unfold. 

Derek is just one of many miracles and testimonies we have seen Jesus do.   

Without your support, we couldn’t go to Poland and meet Derek!